Automotive supplier / electronic component / partner production-preparation related processes, picking, packaging, quality control re-work-killing / warehousing, packing, quality control 20-40 people.
Contact Person:
Lakos Zalán Logisztikai vezető
Carrying out logistics processes related to the production of finished goods in one of the largest printing houses in Hungary. Packing, unloading, storage for 50-90 people.
Contact Person:
Borbás Gábor Vezérigazgató
Process fulfilment within the engine factory’s inbound warehouse through leased workforce.
Operation of outsourced logistics warehouses: pick&pack, quality and end-price control / 39 employees.
Contact Person:
László Papp Logistics Manager
Quality control of raw materials received at the factory unit in Szigetszentmiklós. Performing scraping and rework tasks.
Contact Person:
Hegyes László Senior Quality Manager
Full scale of warehousing and production fulfilment activities with 30 employees covering 4 shifts. Management of production returns and empties.
Contact Person:
Gábor Kovács Managing Director
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